"Listen girl, and listen good."
"We're sorry to inform you,
you didn't make it."
"Don't cry, don't question. You heard it right.
This life is not a game of lies.
You left it all out there, you did it good.
Now you will sit and do what you should.
Now listen girl and listen good.
You know you did everything that you should.
Relax, focus, swing right, shoot left.
Do this, then that. No room for regret.
Watch your form, you have to speed up.
You might work hard, but this game is all luck.
Divide your time, be at both meetings--"
"Excuse me, sir. My life is fleeting.
Time is not numbers;
life is not a game,
no winners, no losers, and all that fame
is a hoax,
a paradox,
ironic if not.
Sir, soon we will die, slowly and rot.
Listen sir, and listen good.
You know I did everything that I should.
Relax, and give your reputation a break,
because you've just met one girl that you can't make."
Original poetry by Erin Thomas.